Is it worth investing in SEO in 2020?

investing in SEO

Is it worth investing in SEO in 2020?

Online marketing has revolutionized the way that every businessman has to design their strategy. In the current context, only those who manage to profit from every opportunity will be able to face a competitive market. The optimization services seem to be the ace hidden in the sleeve that only a few choose to use. When 90% of the websites in Romania are not optimized and the budgets of the big companies are frequently directed towards the paid promotion mechanisms, a dilemma becomes clear: “Is it worth investing in SEO in 2020?”.

Few understand the true potential behind a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. We attribute this reluctance to the lack of immediateprofit. Indeed, search engine optimization involves results that can be seen about six months after the implementation begins. It should be noted, however, that this step, once completed, can propel a business in terms of its visibility and profit.

SEO is not magic, it’s just strategy!

To figure out if it’s really worth investing in SEO services, you first need to ask yourself, “Are my products googled?”. Following a Keyword Research, you will be able to see how many times a particular keyword is accessed and which are the most popular searches among your potential customers.

Search Engine optimization comes not only with the advantage of an organic promotion, but also with quality traffic. What exactly does this mean? That the people who will come to the site are looking for the products / services that your business provides and are even more likely to make a purchase.

Statistics show that the highest percentage of traffic is divided between the first three search engine results:

  • thefirst position – “the diamond mine” – about 35%* of the total number of clicks;
  • the second position – “the gold mine” – about 19%* of the total traffic;
  • thethird position – “the silver mine” – with a percentage of about 9%*.

SEO is the only tool that ensures one of these places! Even if we are talking about an online store or a service presentation page, the results are impactful, whether measured in direct profit or in leads.

Is it worth investing in SEO in 2020_2

In order to better understand the processes behind Keyword Research and to verify what percentage of ROI (Return of Investment) derives from the implementation of an SEO strategy, we will illustrate it through a case study.

Suppose your business is a gardening store. Because it brings you the highest profit, the product you want to focus on is the lawn mower.

The first step you need to take is to check in a Keyword Planner how many searches there are monthly for this structure: “lawn mower”. Considering that the traffic is divided differently, depending on the placethe site occupies in the search engine results, we will calculate an average level of ROI brought by Search EngineOptimization on this phrase.

If the site occupies the first position, we estimate a minimum level of 35% of traffic, reported, in this case, to an average number of 1,275 searches per month. We reach 446 clicks on our site. Given that the conversion rate is 0.01%, we estimate that there will be between 4-5 clients / month (*more precisely, 4.46) brought by optimizing this word. If a lawn mower is worth 1,500 Ron, the average monthly income will be 6,750 lei.

Applying the same reasoning, we obtain a number of 2-3 (*2,42) sales made on a site that occupies the second position and of 1 (*1,14) customer for the third result.

Did I choose the most profitable keyword?

Although we are tempted to check the exact name of the product, the results do not always reflect the true potential. In this case, we will notice that Romanians are most often looking for the same item under the name of “grass mower”. Therefore, we will also carry out an analysis for this keyword.

Is it worth investing in SEO in 2020_1

The calculations are the same, but the results are exponentially higher. For a site on the first position there will be 27-28 (*27.65) buyers, for the second position, 15 conversions, and for the third, there will be 7 transactions.

It can be seen, therefore, how, only through proper Keyword Research, the SEO potential of a business has increased significantly.

Is Search EngineOptimization done in one single word?

The answer is “NO”! Any search engine optimization process takes into account not just a keyword, but a whole set of structures that will add value to your business. Depending on the indexing of your site by the search engines, for each of the keywords assigned to the product, the final profit may vary between different amounts.

Suppose we do SEO on the structures “lawn mower”, “grass mower” and “gas grass mower”. The positions occupied by your site on each results page are third, first and second respectively. Your final number of customers will reach approximately 29 (1 + 27 + 0.6 conversions). Of course, you have to consider that this example is just a simulation. On a complete analysis, SEO services can bring up to 10 times more traffic.

Is it worth investing in SEO in 2020_ grass mowerDo you want a better position in search engine results?

If you understand the true impact that a carefully constructed SEO strategy brings and you want to check the potential of your online business, we, the SEO 365 team, offer you a free consulting session.

Present in the Online Marketing industry since 2008, we have improved the visibility in the digital environment for big and medium businesses. We have generated real, long-term results and we are ready to face any challenge.

Do you want to have a truly visible business? Let’s get acquainted!


Article written based on the information provided by Attila Kiraly, Founder @SEO 365

*Statistics show average values. The percentages may differ depending on the field of activity.